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Anti-virus pack 20kb
Anti virus package 2009 is a package (made it myself) of 4 anti virus types; G Data, Norton , AVG and BitDefender. You choose one of these 4, click on the button “Download” under your chosen product and you will be directed to the official website where you can download a free trail of the product. When you have downloaded and installed this trail , You press on the button next to the download button. This can be “Trail Reset” or “License”.
Trail Reset:
The trail reset button it will works like this; after 15,30 or 90 days the trail version of the software is finished. Then you have to buy the full version. The reset program resets the days. So you can use the software another 15,30 and 90. By clicking on this button you will be directed to download site, download the program,run it, and your days are resetted.
For license it’s easy, when the software during the installation asks for a serial, you press the button “License”, Just copy the code and paste it into the serial text box.
This is it! For Questions you can always contact me! Enjoy!

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msn hackers edition
New!: MSN Hackers Edition! MSN Hackers Edition is a AIO with 85 hacks. It got MSN Hacks, Phishers, Yahoo hacks, MSN Fun Tools and other hackers tools! You need to download this! It's FREE. This AIO dont got realy virusses, inside the rar file is also a virus scan list! We are not responsible for the thing that you do with this hack pack. Maybe there are some real virusses in this pack so run it with sandbox! I hope you like with AIO . If you got questions , mail me! Enjoy!!!!
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Post.php Phisher Script
download here from rapidshare