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Flash Player
Player for swf and other type of files
Windows Movie Maker
Make movies adding special effects ,create and edit
RealPlayer (renamed from RealOne) allows to play Real Media files .ram .ra
Play movies and audio files made in divX,MPG,WMV,ASF
VLC Media Player 1.0.5
Multimedia player who is reading many audio and video files
QuickTime Player
Codec Pack All in 1
Get all video and audio codecs to play movies and music
Play .mov files and export for iPhone and ipod
Windows Media Player
Allow to play audio,video and multimedia applications
BSplayer 1.37.826
Video and multimedia player
Play video and movies files with quality
Play DVD movies from a file or DVD-ROM.Supports Blu-ray
Zoom Player
Small and fast video and audio player
SAM Broadcaster 4.2.2
SAM Broadcaster is your complete radio station in a box.
VCDCutter Pro 4.16.6
VCDCut Pro is a video player
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Capture, edit, and put video online, on air, on disc or on device
PowerDVD 7.0.2414
Playback Software for DVDs and Blu-ray Discs
Make copies to CD
Total Video Converter 3.10
Adobe Photoshop Elements 8.0
A consumer version of the Adobe Photoshop raster image editing
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